Musical Minute -Vibrant Life Choirs – Singing and Chanting

vibrant life choirs

by Dean Solden, founder of Vibrant Life Senior Living, and professional musician Just about every week I have the pleasure and opportunity to play music either with or for “the people who live here” (residents) at Vibrant Life Communities.  I have a ball, and so do they. For years, I have played jazz, rock, oldies, … Read more

The Science Behind Music Therapy to Combat Dementia

music therapy

Music therapy is used in all types of situations to help people process challenges and deal with mental, emotional, and even physical difficulties. All you have to do is listen to your favorite song or hymn to know that music is powerful. It can instantly make you feel better or transport you to a memory … Read more

Don’t Define Me, Just Remind Me

Dont Define Me Just Remind Me Cover Art copy

New Friends Memory Care has created an innovative “memory care choir” consisting of its residents with memory care issues, called the New Friends Memory Care, “Tic-Toc” Choir. The group is receiving national attention, with a recent mini-documentary created by Direct Supply out of Milwaukee, entitled, “The Spirit of Caring.” Musical Director and New Friends and Vibrant Life founder, professional musician, Dean Solden wrote the song for the residents of the community, inspired by their “ferocious will to live and still be themselves, and not be defined by their dementia.” The music video helps de-sensitize the concept of people having dementia, especially those with early cognitive or memory care issues.

Red Carpet World Premier of Hip Hop Memory Care Music Video

Memory Care Music Video

Are you ready for the Red Carpet World Premier of the ONLY Hip Hop Memory Care Music Video? What an amazing way to close out the decade! New Friends Memory Care has created an innovative “memory care choir” consisting of its residents with memory care issues, called the New Friends Memory Care, “Tic-Toc” Choir and … Read more