New Friends Memory Care has created an innovative “memory care choir” consisting of its residents with memory care issues, called the New Friends Memory Care, “Tic-Toc” Choir. The group is receiving national attention, with a recent mini-documentary created by Direct Supply out of Milwaukee, entitled, “The Spirit of Caring.” Musical Director and New Friends and Vibrant Life founder, professional musician, Dean Solden wrote the song for the residents of the community, inspired by their “ferocious will to live and still be themselves, and not be defined by their dementia.” The music video helps de-sensitize the concept of people having dementia, especially those with early cognitive or memory care issues.
The Red Carpet Surprise
Based on a true story. She got out of the shiny black town car one leg at a time, with her black hose and shiny black high heels leading your eye, as they should. She strolled into the theater and into the elevator with a handsome man on her arm, as she should. Cameras were … Read more